Frost & Sullivan’s Innovations in New Product Development eBulletin
  July 2011 | Vol. 4 Issue 3  CONNECT

Scenes from San Diego
The 7th Annual Global Innovations in New Product Development and Market Strategy, 2011:
A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange


"This event was the best I've attended. As a sponsor, the format of all the sessions provided better networking opportunities in a setting where sponsors are perceived as co-participants; this allowed for more meaningful conversations. I came, I met, I learned, I grew!"
                                                                                                 - Guy Henninger, Senior Vice President, Inova Software

"A great opportunity to share experiences across different industries. I was amazed at how we all have similar challenges-regardless of the industry or segment."
                                                  - Michael Parker, Vice President Marketing & Strategy, AO Smith Water Products

"If you want to interact with peers in other industries, you'll be able to learn from their experiences."
                            - Steven Reinecke, Executive Vice President Research & Development, Freedom Innovations

"Great event; useful and relevant topics and the quality and level of networking is very high"
                                                                                   - Andrew Stadler, Global Product Manager, PPG Industries, Inc

"Frost & Sullivan speakers effective vs. other corporate speakers. "
                                                                                                                   - Andy Wong, Senior Director, Georgia Pacific